Michael Rutherford – I Did The Same Stupid Stuff

 In Blog, MDME, Podcast

In the first podcast of the MDME™  ( Minimum Dose Maximum Effect) series, I talk to Michael Rutherford to find out how he incorporates the MDME™ concept into his and his clients’ training.

We explore what the priorities are when coaching clients and finding balance. Also find out when Rut knew that he was overtraining and how he solved it. Here is the list of questions I asked Rut:


  • What does Minimum Dose Maximum Effect™ training mean to you?
  • How do you apply it in your training and your client’s training?
  • What have you learned from your coaching and self experiences that makes this true for you?
  • Give me your worst overtraining side effect, both long and short term
  • How did you adjust/recover?
  • Compare your mindset then to that of now. What are your goals, goals for your clients?

Here you can listen to the complete podcast:


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